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Case Study Of Baby Paree


Every day it’s my little Paree who calms me and soothes me down.

I feel pathetic, ashamed and guilty thinking about what kind of a mother I am. Here, my child is battling for her life and rather than helping her and reducing her pain, I’m simply crying in one corner thinking about the horrifying future.

Why is this happening with me? What did I ever do wrong? What is it that God is punishing my 9 month old Paree for?

Only 6 months ago, my life had never been more beautiful with the presence of my little Paree. She has been my entire world and my every passing moment revolved around her.

From a normal cough to fever, I tended to every one of her needs and took great care of her. She was my precious little daughter and God had gifted me with her after years of marriage.

So one day, all of a sudden, when her eyes started bleeding and itching heavily, I was simply scared and terrified.

I immediately took her to the local doctor, but to my greatest horror, even the doctor didn’t know what was wrong with her.

Petrified and confused, I instantly called my husband and rushed her to a specialty hospital, praying that at least they would know my daughter’s disease.

But unfortunately, all they knew and could tell us was that she is suffering from an eye disease and would need urgent treatment. Having no other option, but only the clear motive of relieving Paree’s pain, my husband and I drained every single penny we had for her treatment.

In the span of the next few months, my Paree underwent numerous treatments but never once did her pain subside.

Every day when I used to wake up, my heart used to shatter looking at her wretched and battered state. But there was nothing I could do.

A couple of months ago, we finally decided to take her to Delhi, since along with her right eye, the condition of her left eye had started to deteriorate.

When the doctors in Delhi finally did their analysis and performed multiple tests and screenings, I was shocked to hear Paree’s actual ailment.

“It is not cataract or any normal eye disease. What your daughter here is suffering from is retinoblastoma. It is a form of eye cancer and has already destroyed her right eye. The tumour which has caused the cancer is rapidly spreading to her left eye as well as her lungs.”

“This is an extremely rare and critical case. I suggest beginning with her chemotherapy and radiotherapy as soon as possible. Once this is done, we’ll have to perform an eye removal surgery as well, to remove her right eye.” The doctor said examining the test results.

I was devastated to hear that all this while, it was cancer that was making my daughter’s life so miserable. Cancer was to blame for her miserable past and ruined future.

Unfortunately now, even though we know that my daughter’s life can be saved from her deadly eye cancer, the tragedy is that her treatment will cost INR 3,50,000.00 and there is no way we can afford this much money.

My husband is a labour and hardly earns enough to make ends meet. With his meagre salary, even buying Paree’s medications is a challenge.

Then how on earth will we afford her treatment?

At this juncture, my daughter’s life is hanging by a thread. Any day could be her last and I’m simply not ready to lose her. She is the only good thing that has ever happened to me and if I lose her, my existence won’t make any sense.

Therefore, as a mother, I beg in front of you to please donate for my daughter and give her a chance at life.

Sometimes a helping hand would always is all that makes a difference between hope and distress… Smiles and tears!!!

Your support will definitely make a difference and will satisfy you from within, making you feel proud as you are saving an innocent life.

She has loving parents and a kind-hearted person reading her story… Hoping that she would get the help required.

Might be you will forget about this help in days but her family will always remember you in their prayers and their blessings will always make your life flourish and also taking care of your family.

Or Maybe God made you a way to reach them.

Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

Support us online at

You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank
( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation)
Account no.- 402101000181
IFSC- ICIC0004021
Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1
Type- Current Account.

Paytm on 97118 27551

Warm Regards,
Blooming Lives Foundation.


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