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Baby Hansraj



Until a few months ago, our 1-year-old son, Hansraj was the light and life of our house. There was never a dull moment with him. He’d keep hopping around the entire house, talking, laughing and throwing tantrums. But one day, it all stopped.

he suddenly fell sick. His stomach started swelling and he got a fever. It wasn’t normal. His entire body was burning. We panicked and rushed him to the nearby clinic.

When we took him to the doctor, he suggested a few tests. Little did we know that the results will change our lives forever- for the worse. After a couple of sleepless nights and countless prayers to God, we were told that our little son is suffering from Kidney tumour, an aggressive type of cancer. We were devastated.

A lifetime of suffering

Hansraj’s treatment was started soon after. However, despite the grueling chemotherapy, his health kept deteriorating.We were heartbroken.

I can’t put in words how difficult it is to see our baby in such a miserable state. For months now, he has known nothing but pain and suffering. He neither plays nor laughs. He barely even talks to us. We long to hear his sweet voice and see his mischiefs, but he has become so weak. Even the sight of a doctor or nurse makes him anxious. He is scared of being poked and prodded.

His only cure is beyond our meansWith the grace of God and the kindness of my family and friends, we somehow managed to fund our son’s initial treatment. But now, we need INR 5,00,000.00. For his further treatment There is no way we can arrange such a huge sum.

My husband, Arvind, is a daily wager and we somehow manage to make ends meet in his little income. He has been working day in and day out to earn a few extra bucks but all of it goes in paying off the hospital expenses.

With each passing day, my son’s health is worsening. He is fighting for his life bravely, but he will lose his fight without your help. I want to take my child out of the deadly holds of cancer and give him his happy and healthy life back.

Please help us. This is a mother’s desperate plea to save her child. Please donate.

Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

Support us online at

You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank ( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation) Account no.- 402101000181 IFSC- ICIC0004021 Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1 Type- Current Account.

* Paytm on 97118 27551

Warm Regards,
Blooming Lives Foundation.


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