Important Beware of any other foundation contacting you under the BLOOMING LIVES FOUNDATION name. They can be fraud, We do not provide any project, information or data to others. Please be sure of the frauds contacting you under our name or reference, We are conducting all support, projects or programs under Blooming Lives Foundation only. We are not supervising any other foundation, NGO or trust.

Notice: Test mode is enabled. While in test mode no live donations are processed.

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You can claim a deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act for contributions made to certain relief funds and charitable institutions

Pan Card

PAN Card issued by the Income Tax Department and it contains the Permanent Account Number of the organisation


A certificate of incorporation is a legal license relating to the formation of a corporation. It is a license to form a corporation issued by government


A company is referred a to as Section 8 Company when registered as a Non-Profit Organization (NPO). when it the has motive of promoting arts, commerce, education, charity, protectithe on of environment, sports, science, research, social welfare, religion


The Form CSR-1 is termed as Form for “Registration of Entities for undertaking CSR Activities”. The Form CSR-1 mainly consists of two parts: The first part is relating to the information about the entity that intends to undertake CSR activities. The second part of Form CSR-1 is certification by practising professional.