Important Beware of any other foundation contacting you under the BLOOMING LIVES FOUNDATION name. They can be fraud, We do not provide any project, information or data to others. Please be sure of the frauds contacting you under our name or reference, We are conducting all support, projects or programs under Blooming Lives Foundation only. We are not supervising any other foundation, NGO or trust.

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Blooming Lives Foundation

About the Organization

The Blooming Lives Foundation is a Delhi-based non-profit organization that works for the welfare of poor children with medical needs, support, education and dignity to homeless and disaster relief. Our motto is ‘EVERY LIFE COUNTS’’. The Foundation is a dream initiative of a group of professionals who pause to find a reason for their existence and come up with the simple idea of giving back to society.

Our work protects people vulnerable to social and physical threats. In all this, they ensure that children are their priority in everything they do and champion their rights all along the way. Currently, the geographical area is spread across Delhi NCR & Uttarakhand. Every day they touch the lives of thousands of people in need with the help of our large-hearted individual donors and corporate partners.

Education 97%
Health 93%
Food & Clothes 99%

Donors Reviews

Our Commitment is Clear for Society

He who has never denied himself for the sake of giving, has but glanced at the joys of charity.

Some of the prominent Work of the Foundation.