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Baby Ratan

Blood cancer -Juvenile Myelomonocytic leukemia

Baby Ratan

My child is diagnosed with Blood cancer (Juvenile Myelomonocytic leukemia) and needs urgent funds for his treatment.

For around 3 weeks he had fever associated with cough ,body aches & cold. When we consulted general physicians and child specialist, we were informed that Ratan has fever & it will go away in a few days.

Even after consultation & medication there is no improvement in Ratan’s health. he used to feel exhausted and tired after playing even for 1 minute. he used to complaint of body aches by signaling to his hands & legs. When I tried to make him play with new games, he used to get cranky in minutes and ask his mom to make him to lay down full day. It was very painful sight to watch the child suffer like this.

We were clueless on what destiny had in his fate. When we realized that whatever is happening is something strange & unusual, we consulted a well known pediatrician at our hometown for further examination & reports. The pathology lab people suggested something critical in Ratan’s report but wouldn’t give away any information . Our family was under impression that it could be dengue, malaria or any seasonal flu but never in our conscious minds we thought about “Cancer” a word known to destabilize even the strongest people. We were really scared and there was panic situation all over the family. we gathered strength and immediately rushed to Delhi overnight.

On further diagnosis at the hospital, after 5 days it was confirmed by the Doctors who explained the situation in depth. It includes chemotherapy and routine checks to understand how Ratan is responding to the treatment. Doctor told us to maintain strict levels of hygiene around Ratan to avoid any infection and also to stay in close proximity to the hospital and to bring him to the hospital at any point of time when he shows varied symptoms like fever, cough, cold or anything that affects his health. This is his first month of treatment and Chemo has brought our little cheerful baby to sleep like a cocoon. he doesn’t want to interact with anyone other than his parents and always wants to lay down irrespective of any activity or games.

Before going through all this, Ratan used to be a healthy kid who loved playing, dancing, singing, painting. he used to dance his heart out along with his mother and would rejoice our life with happiness. But since this phase has started, Ratan has become very shy, almost irritated all the time and not desiring to interact with anyone. It breaks our heart to even write this about him and very difficult to see him undergo all this at such a small age.

The initial estimate provided by the hospital for Ratan’s treatment is approximately 15 lacs for the first 6 months and he would be under maintenance phase of another 2 years which will also include frequent visits to the hospital. However, there have been unforeseen situations lately which are leading to Ratan being hospitalized more than estimated cost of hospital. he is not responding very well to the process and has to be kept under observation conducting numerous other tests which are further resulting into more fund requirements.

Being a lower middle-class family, it is very difficult for us to gather this huge amount for my son's treatment. Few of our relatives and friends came forward and contributed to some extent but it isn’t enough.

We are counting on every single donation to help us gather enough money to afford this treatment in the coming years. We know it’s not going to be easy, but we have faith in God.Each donation will bring us closer to the possibility of restoring our son to full health.

Your prayers, gratitude and generous help is all that we need to see my child coming back to normal life.

Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

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You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank ( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation) Account no.- 402101000181 IFSC- ICIC0004021 Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1 Type- Current Account.

* Paytm on 97118 27551

Warm Regards,
Blooming Lives Foundation.