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Baby Rohan



The most heartbreaking part is when I have to leave my village behind and travel hundreds of kilometres for my son’s cure. But the worst part is seeing my little one go through unbearable torture every day. His loud cries don't let me sleep. And I, his unfortunate father, spend hours in the hospital’s corridor waiting for the day when I can finally take my Rohan home.

My 5 months-old Rohan is battling for life inside the four walls of AIIMS Hospital, Delhi. His loud cries echo inside the room continuously, keeping us awake with fear. A lethal and cancerous tumour is growing inside my Rohan’s eye. And if not treated in time, cancer will blind him forever and eventually will take his life as well.

It started a few months back when I started noticing a swelling in Rohan’s Left eye. Even after taking him to the local doctors, the swelling didn’t reduce. Rohan also became more cranky. he won’t let anyone touch his face. His pain grew with time and to an extent where it became unbearable for him. That is when I thought of taking him to a city doctor, as there are fewer means of medical care in our small village.

After travelling hundreds of kilometres and undergoing various tests, the experts told us that my son was suffering from cancer. A dangerous tumour was growing inside his eye, keeping his life at risk.

I was shocked. “Will I lose my child? Why would god be so unkind to let my son suffer through such a life-threatening disease? What wrong has he done to deserve this?”, these were the thoughts running through my mind. I was so scared. My son is too young even to understand the consequences of his illness.

I sold whatever I had and even borrowed money from relatives to bring my son to Delhi for his treatment. The doctors told me that Rohan would need to undergo Chemotherapy cycles with supportive care, to fully recover. I didn’t understand any of this. I just begged the doctors to cure my Son’s cancer. But little did I know that this entire treatment would cost me lakhs.

We live in a small village in Uttar Pradesh. Our entire house is smaller than this hospital’s room. I am the only breadwinner for the family, and I work as a labourer. I hardly earn Rs 200/day. There are also days when we sleep on empty stomachs. Arranging lakhs for Rohan’s treatment is like an unimaginable dream for us. You are our only hope now. Please save my son. Donate and share my son’s story with all the kind-hearted people you know.

Please donate and help me give my son a chance at experiencing life.

Your contribution will make you feel proud that you are saving the life of a child, let’s join hands for this responsible cause, as together we can!

Helping the poor is not charity but it is our moral and social responsibility.

It might be you will forget about this help in days but his family will always remember you in their prayers and their blessings will always make your life flourish and also take care of your family.

Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

This problem before us is a mammoth one. But one that can be solved.

All it needs is for each one of us to come together and do everything in our power to contribute to a sustainable solution.

Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

Support us online at

You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank ( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation) Account no.- 402101000181 IFSC- ICIC0004021 Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1 Type- Current Account.

* Paytm on 97118 27551

Warm Regards,
Blooming Lives Foundation.