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Baby Aditya



In a year, my baby has suffered a lifetime of pain. From the time he was born, he has been fighting for every breath.”

I vividly remember the moment I held my baby boy, Aditya, in my arms for the first time. I was overwhelmed with millions of emotions. He was like a miracle. I still get goosebumps when I think of the first time he opened his little eyes and looked at me. It was like a dream.

I adored him for a few minutes before he fell asleep. I kept gazing at him as he slept peacefully inside the crib. But only a few minutes later, I noticed a bluish tint on his skin. It worried me so I called out to the nurse. When she lifted my baby out of the crib, he wasn't breathing normally.

My husband and I sat still in a state of panic as they took our baby away for a check-up. Everything happened so fast, it was beyond our understanding.

After some time, when the doctor visited us, we were told that there is a hole in our baby’s heart along with other defects. It came like a storm in our lives. “But my baby was fine. How can this happen to him?” I kept asking him frantically.

The doctors consoled us and suggested his treatment immediately.

It has been more than a year now.

My child has grown up. but unlike other kids his age, he can neither play nor enjoy. If he moves much, his lips and tongue turn blue and he starts panting. It is so difficult for us to see him suffering so much.

In the past few months, his health deteriorated so much that even the medications stopped working on him. That’s when the doctors told us that the only cure for his disease is urgent open-heart surgery.

We were shocked. We knew that no matter what we do, we won’t be able to arrange the big sum required for his surgery. For days, we have been trying every possible avenue to arrange the required amount. From seeking help from our family and friends to trying to get loans. But it is beyond our reach.

Every time, I look at my baby, I burst into tears. With every passing minute, I feel like I am losing my baby.

During the course of this medical journey, we have exhausted the limited savings we had. My husband is a Labour. For months, he hasn’t been able to go to work because of multiple hospital rounds far away from our hometown. Your generous donations can save our baby’s life. Please help us.

Please donate and help me give my son a chance at experiencing life.

Your contribution will make you feel proud that you are saving the life of a child, let’s join hands for this responsible cause, as together we can!

Helping the poor is not charity but it is our moral and social responsibility.

It might be you will forget about this help in days but his family will always remember you in their prayers and their blessings will always make your life flourish and also take care of your family.

Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

This problem before us is a mammoth one. But one that can be solved.

All it needs is for each one of us to come together and do everything in our power to contribute to a sustainable solution.

Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

Support us online at

You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank ( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation) Account no.- 402101000181 IFSC- ICIC0004021 Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1 Type- Current Account.

* Paytm on 97118 27551

Warm Regards,
Blooming Lives Foundation.