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Baby Pari


Baby Pari is suffering from EYE CANCER

My name is Lalit Kumar, and I am a Father fighting alongside my beloved child, Pari, against a formidable enemy: eye cancer. Pari, at the tender age of 1 year and 10 months, has been diagnosed with this devastating condition that threatens to rob her of her vision and her bright future. As a family, we find ourselves facing a daunting challenge, not only emotionally but also financially. We humbly appeal to your kindness and generosity to help us secure the necessary treatment for Pari's recovery.

  Pari's Story: Pari's infectious laughter and inquisitive eyes used to light up every room she entered. However, the world turned upside down when we received the heart-wrenching news of her diagnosis. The mere thought of our precious child enduring the pain and potential loss of her sight is unimaginable. It's a battle that no parent should ever have to face, but we refuse to let this cancer define Pari's future.

  The Treatment Journey: To ensure the best possible outcome, Pari's doctors have recommended a specialized treatment plan that combines chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy. These interventions, while extremely promising, come at an exorbitant cost that is beyond our means as an ordinary, hardworking family. Our savings have been depleted, and we have exhausted all possible avenues to secure the required funds.

  Our Plea for Support: We turn to you, our fellow human beings, with hope in our hearts and tears in our eyes. We implore you to join us on this arduous journey by contributing to Pari's treatment expenses. Your support will not only alleviate the immense financial burden we face but will also breathe new life into our pursuit of Pari's well-being.

  Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a tangible difference in Pari's fight against eye cancer. Your donation will help cover the cost of life-saving treatments, medical consultations, essential medications, and specialized equipment. It will empower us to pursue the best care available, giving Pari the chance to reclaim her vision, her dreams, and her rightful place in this world.

  Your Gift of Hope: In addition to your monetary support, we kindly request you to spread the word about Pari's story among your friends, family, and social networks. Sharing our crowdfunding campaign will help us reach a wider audience of compassionate souls who may be willing to contribute or assist in any other way.

  Conclusion: As a family, we believe that love, unity, and the collective power of human kindness can move mountains. We trust that there are angels among us, ready to extend their hands and hearts to help Pari see the world with wonder once again. Together, we can make a difference in this little fighter's life and restore hope to our family.

  From the depths of our souls, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your empathy, support, and generosity. May your compassion be rewarded with blessings beyond measure.

  Please donate and help us give Pari the precious gift of sight.

  With immense gratitude,

All it needs is for each one of us to come together and do everything in our power to contribute to a sustainable solution.

  Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

  Support us online at

  You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

  * ICICI Bank
( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation)
Account no.- 402101000181
IFSC- ICIC0004021
Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1
Type- Current Account.

  * Paytm on 97118 27551


Warm Regards,
Blooming Lives Foundation.