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Master Rituraj


Master Rituraj is suffering from throat Cancer

Dear Supporters,

We are reaching out to you with heavy hearts to share the story of our brave little warrior, Rituraj. At just 7 years old, he has been diagnosed with throat cancer, and the only hope for his survival lies in an urgent stem cell transplant. We are desperately seeking your support to make this life-saving procedure possible.

Rituraj's journey began innocently enough, like any other child his age. He was full of laughter, dreams, and endless curiosity. However, his vibrant world was shattered when he was diagnosed with this devastating illness. Overnight, our lives changed, and our focus shifted entirely to Rituraj's battle against cancer.

Throat cancer in a child is an unimaginable nightmare for any family. The excruciating pain and constant struggle have taken a toll on our little one, who has shown incredible strength and determination throughout his treatment. The doctors have confirmed that a stem cell transplant is Rituraj's best chance for survival and a chance to reclaim his childhood.

But this life-saving procedure comes with an overwhelming cost. The estimated expense of the stem cell transplant, including pre-operative evaluations, the transplant procedure itself, post-operative care, and ongoing medication, amounts to a staggering $500,000. As a middle-class family, we are simply unable to bear this financial burden alone.

This is where your support becomes paramount. We believe in the power of compassion and collective action, and we humbly ask you to join us in raising funds for Rituraj's treatment. Your generosity can bring hope and healing to our little boy, giving him a fighting chance at a brighter future.

Every contribution, no matter how big or small, brings us closer to our goal. By donating to Rituraj's cause, you become a vital part of his support network and a source of strength for our family during this challenging time. We understand that not everyone may be in a position to donate, but even sharing Rituraj's story within your circles can make a significant impact.

Please consider making a donation today through our secure online platform. Together, we can change the course of Rituraj's life and give him the opportunity to grow up, experience joy, and fulfill his dreams.

We will provide regular updates on Rituraj's progress and the impact of your donations. Your unwavering support means the world to us, and we are eternally grateful for any contribution you can make.

Thank you for opening your hearts to our precious Rituraj. Together, let's fight childhood cancer and bring hope where it is needed most.

  From the depths of our souls, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your empathy, support, and generosity. May your compassion be rewarded with blessings beyond measure.

With immense gratitude,

All it needs is for each one of us to come together and do everything in our power to contribute to a sustainable solution.

Come forward and help us save lives and help the needy.

Support us online at

You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank

( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation)
Account no.- 402101000181
IFSC- ICIC0004021
Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1
Type- Current Account.

* Paytm on 97118 27551


Warm Regards,
Blooming Lives Foundation.