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Baby Arpit


Baby Arpit Suffering From Eye Cancer

My name is Ajay Yadav, and I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and a plea for help that no parent should ever have to make.

My son, Arpit, is a bright, loving 4-year-old who means the world to me. Like any father, I have dreams of seeing him grow up, play, learn, and someday find his own path in life. However, those dreams were shattered when, a year ago, our precious Arpit was diagnosed with eye cancer. It has been a battle we never imagined we would face, and our lives have been turned upside down since that day.

We live in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, where I work as a laborer, earning between 10,000 and 15,000 rupees a month. Despite our financial struggles, we have done everything in our power to seek the best possible care for Arpit. Over the past year, we have exhausted all our savings and borrowed as much as we could from friends and family. But the costs of his treatment have far exceeded what we could ever afford.

Arpit's condition is critical, and the doctors have informed us that he requires urgent and ongoing treatment to save his eyesight and, more importantly, his life. As a father, there is nothing more painful than seeing your child suffer, knowing that there is a chance for a cure but being unable to afford it.

I am writing to you today because we have reached a point where we can no longer fight this battle alone. We need help—help to cover the costs of Arpit’s treatments, hospital visits, and the medication that is keeping him alive. We have been blessed with the kindness of strangers before, and now, I am humbly asking for your support.

Arpit is a fighter, and he deserves a chance at a healthy, happy life. We cannot let this illness take that away from him. I know that times are tough for everyone, but any support you can offer, no matter how small, would mean the world to us. It would be a lifeline for my son and a glimmer of hope in what has been a dark and terrifying journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story. I cannot express in words how grateful we would be for your support and prayers. Together, I believe we can give Arpit the chance he deserves.

With deepest gratitude,

Support us online at

You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank
( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation)
Account no.- 402101000181
IFSC- ICIC0004021
Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1
Type- Current Account.

* Paytm on 97118 27551

Warm Regards,

Blooming Lives Foundation.