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Baby Priyanshu

Baby Priyanshu Suffering From Burn
Priyanshu had a terrible accident at home. He slipped and fell into a pot of hot oil, suffering severe burns all over his delicate body. We rushed him to the hospital as quickly as we could, but by the time we reached, the damage had already been done.
1.8 Year


My name is Monu, and I am writing to you with a heavy heart and desperate hope for help. I am a small-scale farmer, earning a modest income of ₹10,000 to ₹15,000 per month, and my wife is a homemaker. Together, we are the parents of a 1.8-year-old boy named Priyanshu, who is the light of our lives. However, a tragic accident has left our little boy fighting for his life, and we are in desperate need of help to save him.

A few days ago, Priyanshu had a terrible accident at home. He slipped and fell into a pot of hot oil, suffering severe burns all over his delicate body. We rushed him to the hospital as quickly as we could, but by the time we reached, the damage had already been done. Seeing my son in excruciating pain, his small body covered in burns, was the most heart-wrenching moment of my life.

Priyanshu’s condition is critical. The burns are severe and require urgent and intensive treatment, including surgeries, skin grafts, and specialized care. The doctors have warned us that his road to recovery will be long and painful. Every day is a struggle for him as he endures unimaginable pain, and as parents, it is agonizing to watch him suffer.

As a father, I feel completely helpless. My earnings barely cover our household expenses, and the cost of Priyanshu’s treatment is far beyond anything we could ever afford. My wife and I are shattered by the thought that we might lose our son simply because we cannot afford the care he desperately needs.

This is why I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea for support. Priyanshu is a bright and beautiful boy, full of life and innocence, and he deserves a chance to heal and grow. Your kindness and compassion could be the miracle we are praying for—a lifeline to help our little boy recover and live a full and happy life.

Every day, I pray for strength and hope that Priyanshu can overcome this tragedy. With the right treatment and care, I believe he can recover, but we cannot do it alone. We need the help of compassionate individuals like you to make this possible.

Please find it in your heart to support us in any way you can. Your prayers, kindness, and understanding mean the world to us. Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for considering our plea. With your help, we believe Priyanshu can heal and once again fill our home with his laughter and joy.

Case Report


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