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Baby Divyansh

Baby Divyansh Suffering From a Eye Cancer
A year ago, our world was shattered when we received the devastating news that our little Divyansh had been diagnosed with eye cancer. From that day forward, my wife and I have been struggling to save our precious child, doing everything we possibly can to provide him with the treatment he needs.
1.5 Years
Eye Cancer


My name is Prashant, and I am writing to you in a moment of deep distress and with a heart full of hope for my son, Divyansh, who is just 1.5 years old.

A year ago, our world was shattered when we received the devastating news that our little Divyansh had been diagnosed with eye cancer. From that day forward, my wife and I have been struggling to save our precious child, doing everything we possibly can to provide him with the treatment he needs. As a parent, there is nothing more heartbreaking than watching your baby fight such a terrible illness, and every day is a new challenge for us.

We come from Bhagirathi, Delhi, where I work at a small stationary shop, earning between 10,000 and 15,000 rupees a month. Though we live simply and do our best to make ends meet, this illness has put a tremendous strain on us. We have spent everything we had and more in trying to get Divyansh the care he deserves. But now, the costs of treatment have gone far beyond what I can manage alone.

Doctors have been doing their best to treat Divyansh, but his condition is critical. The cancer is aggressive, and without continued treatment, his vision—and his life—are in grave danger. Every visit to the hospital, every treatment, every medication brings us closer to saving him, but it also brings a heavy financial burden that we are struggling to bear.

I am writing this message with a heavy heart, hoping for kindness and compassion from those who may be able to help us. As a father, I cannot express how difficult it is to see my child suffer, knowing that there is hope, yet feeling helpless because I lack the means to give him what he needs to survive. Divyansh is so young, just starting his life, and it tears me apart to think that something so cruel could take that life away before it has truly begun.

We need your help to continue fighting for Divyansh. Any support you can provide—whether it is sharing our story or helping us in any way—would bring us one step closer to saving our son’s life. Divyansh is a strong little boy, full of life and hope, and he deserves a future free of pain and fear.

I am deeply grateful for your time and consideration, and I humbly ask for your prayers and support in this fight. Together, I believe we can give Divyansh the chance to live, to grow, and to enjoy all the beautiful things life has to offer.

Case Report


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