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Baby Ayush


Baby Ayush Suffering From Hole in Heart

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is Deepak, and I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and desperation, seeking your support for my precious son, Ayush.

Ayush, our little bundle of joy, is just 11 months old. His laughter and innocent eyes are the light of our lives, filling our home with boundless love and happiness. However, our world has been turned upside down by the devastating news that Ayush has a congenital heart defect – a hole in his heart.

As a father, it is beyond heartbreaking to see my baby struggle for breath, to watch him suffer through the simplest activities that should bring him joy. The doctors have assured us that with proper medical intervention, Ayush has a strong chance of leading a healthy life. However, the cost of his treatment is overwhelming and far beyond our means.

I am a humble laborer, earning between 10-15 thousand rupees per month. My income is barely enough to cover our daily needs, let alone the immense medical expenses required for Ayush’s treatment. Despite my best efforts, I find myself unable to gather the necessary funds to save my son’s life.

I come to you not out of a sense of entitlement, but out of a deep belief in the power of human kindness and compassion. I am reaching out to you with a plea from the depths of my heart, asking for your support and assistance in any way you can offer.

Every word of encouragement, every act of kindness, and every prayer you send our way is a beacon of hope in our darkest hour. Your empathy and solidarity are the strength we need to continue fighting for Ayush’s future.

If you find it in your heart to help us, to stand by our side as we navigate this treacherous journey, my family and I will be forever grateful. Your support will be a lifeline, giving us the courage and resources to ensure that Ayush receives the treatment he desperately needs.

Thank you for taking the time to read my heartfelt plea. Your compassion and generosity mean the world to us, and we hold on to the hope that with your help, our little Ayush will have the chance to grow up healthy and strong.

With deepest gratitude,

Support us online at

You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank
( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation)
Account no.- 402101000181
IFSC- ICIC0004021
Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1
Type- Current Account.

* Paytm on 97118 27551

Warm Regards,

Blooming Lives Foundation.