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Baby Srishti


Baby Srishti Suffering From a Hole In Her Heart

I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. My name is Birendra Kumar, and I am writing to you today with a heavy heart. I am a laborer earning a modest income of around ₹10,000 to ₹12,000 per month, and my wife, Ravita, is a homemaker. Together, we have a beautiful daughter, Srishti, who is just 1 year and 4 months old. She is the light of our lives, but unfortunately, our little angel is facing an unimaginable battle.

Srishti has been diagnosed with a congenital heart defect – a hole in her heart. As parents, nothing could prepare us for the heartbreak of hearing that our child’s life is in danger. Watching her struggle each day has been the most painful experience for us. Her condition has worsened to the point where even her skin is sagging, a visible reminder of the weakness that her fragile body is enduring.

Every day is a challenge for her – simple activities like breathing and sleeping are hard for Srishti. My wife and I feel so helpless seeing our daughter in such pain, unable to live the carefree life that every child deserves. Her eyes, which once sparkled with joy, are now filled with suffering, and it is tearing us apart.

We have consulted doctors, and they have recommended urgent surgery to correct the hole in her heart. But the cost of her treatment is far beyond our reach. Despite working tirelessly every day, my earnings are barely enough to cover basic household needs. My wife, Ravita, has always been there for our family, taking care of Srishti and trying to stay strong, but the financial burden is something we cannot carry on our own.

As a father, I am doing everything I can, but no amount of hard work will give me the financial means to afford the treatment that my daughter so desperately needs. Every moment that passes without help is a moment that brings us closer to the possibility of losing her, and I cannot bear that thought.

This is why I am reaching out to you with a humble plea. We are seeking support, prayers, and help from kind-hearted individuals who may be able to assist us in saving Srishti’s life. We are ready to fight for her, but we cannot do it alone. Your support, in any form, could make the difference between life and death for our baby girl.

Please find it in your heart to help us during this difficult time. Our family is grateful for any kind of support you can offer, and we would be eternally thankful for your compassion and generosity.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for taking the time to read our plea. We believe that with your help, we can give Srishti a chance to live, grow, and experience the life that every child deserves.

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You can also make bank transfers to the following bank accounts:

* ICICI Bank
( Account Name- Blooming Lives Foundation)
Account no.- 402101000181
IFSC- ICIC0004021
Branch- HV-35, South Ex-1
Type- Current Account.

* Paytm on 97118 27551

Warm Regards,

Blooming Lives Foundation.